Healthcare IT

Where we discuss a variety of topics relevant to the intersection of healthcare and technology, from industry news to practical solutions and technical implementation.


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 Image for post Healthcare Software Development: Securing PHI AND PII
March 20, 2024

Healthcare Software Development: Securing PHI AND PII

Explore essential practices for protecting PHI and ensuring HIPAA and GDPR compliance in healthcare software. Learn about the best approaches to secure patient data and …

  • Medical Software Development
  • Cybersecurity in Healthcare
 Image for post Navigating the Complexities of Healthcare Software Development
January 15, 2024

Navigating the Complexities of Healthcare Software Development

Explore the complexities of medical software development, including compliance with HIPAA and GDPR, user-centric design, integration challenges, and the latest in AI …

  • Medical Software Development
  • Cybersecurity in Healthcare