Image for post Getting started with mirthSync

Getting started with mirthSync

  • Mirth Connect
  • CI/CD
  • mirthSync

March 15, 2019

Whats on this page:

This is Part 1 of a series of posts describing the usage and benefits of utilizing mirthSync with Mirth Connect instances. Future posts will cover more sophisticated usages that allow for you to safely manage environments and view changes being applied.

MirthSync is an open source tool developed by Saga-IT LLC that interacts with the excellent Mirth Connect© healthcare IT integration engine to provide many useful benefits to both the open source and closed source versions of Mirth Connect.

Please keep in mind that mirthSync is a free and open source tool that is under active development. Ensure that you have read the License and understand that Saga-IT LLC or any project contributors are not responsible for any issues related to use of the tool. We highly recommend that you utilize the tool only with development or staging environments.

Target Audience

mirthSync should be of interest to anyone that desires more insight into and control over changes being made to their Mirth Connect environments. With mirthSync you will be able to have a fine grained view of changes over time to a single Mirth Connect instance or multiple instances and you will also be able to selectively migrate changes between environments if desired.


  • Runs on any system. Windows, Linux, Mac, etc…
  • Is able to work with any Mirth Connect instance whether the instance is running remotely or locally
  • Reads Mirth Connect channels and configuration on any Mirth instance and writes them to the local filesystem as multiple files within a sensible directory structure
  • Allows for fine grained tracking, management, and deployment of changes by integrating with version control systems (Git, Subversion, etc)
  • Can take changes pulled from one Mirth Connect instance and then push those changes to another instance
  • Selectively roll back and merge changes
  • Manage and share code between different environments (prod, staging, dev)
  • Run as a service that records changes between different time intervals
  • Allows for making changes with a text editor if desired
  • Allows for viewing changes over time to whole system or just individual channels, scripts, and configuration
  • Code uses a permissive open source license so you can use freely in any environment and even enhance or change the mirthSync code if desired


You will need a recent mirthSync release downloaded.

You will also need Oracle or OpenJDK JRE/JDK 1.8 or above installed.


The installation process is very similar on Windows, Linux and Mac. The following steps will illustrate how you can set up mirthSync in a very minimal configuration to allow for pulling code to your local filesystem and then pushing code back again. Future blog posts or documentation will show more sophisticated ways to utilize mirthSync for a variety of purposes.

Note: The following instructions assume that you are in a Microsoft Windows environment. You can, however, run and use mirthSync anywhere that Java runs. In fact, mirthSync is mostly developed and utilized using Linux. Mac environments should be fine too. When in a unix-like environment utilize the equivalent commands and syntax that you see in the following instructions. (bash instead of powershell, forward slashes for paths, use the script instead of the .bat script, etc…)

Download and verification

Navigate to the list of MirthSync releases (

Click on the zip file for the most recent release ( as of this writing)

Navigate to the downloaded zip file and extract the contents

Open a command prompt…
mirthSync is currently a command line tool. At this point you will need to run a command prompt or powershell. For our purposes, I’ll use powershell but the command prompt should work just fine.
Windows start menu with powershell selected

Navigate to the location of mirthSync’s unzipped files. You should see something like the following…
Windows Powershell showing unzipped files

Ensure that java is on your path by running the following command

  java -version

You should see JRE or JDK version information similar to the following..

Powershell window with command result

If java is not on your path you will see an error message. At this point you will need to download a JRE and ensure the `java` command is on your PATH. There are many tutorials online that can be referenced if needed. For our purposes, we only need a JRE (but a JDK is fine) and it can be either OpenJDK or Oracle’s java.

Validate that you are able to run mirthSync and view the help instructions

  .\mirthsync.bat -h

Powershell window with command result

Running your first `pull` command

Within your command prompt or powershell, navigate to your mirthsync install directory.

Run a mirthSync `pull` command to fetch everything from a remote mirth instance to a local directory. This is a non-destructive operation. In other words - nothing is changed on the remote mirth instance. The command simply authenticates to mirth and then downloads to the local filesystem a bunch of xml files that represent channels, code templates, and more found within Mirth Connect. Here’s an example of a `pull` command. You will need to substitute -u admin and -p admin with your appropriate username and password for the instance.

  .\mirthsync.bat -s ‘’ -u admin -p admin -t .\remotepull pull

When you run the preceding command, you’re telling mirthSync to pull everything to a subdirectory called ‘remotepull’. The naming doesn’t matter and both full and relative paths are supported. All that is necessary is that your user account running the command has permissions to create that directory, if necessary, and place files within it. If any files already exist in the target location they will not be overwritten by default. Here’s an example of the output that you’ll see when executing the `pull` command…
Powershell window with command result

If you navigate in explorer to your target pull location you should now see something similar to the following…

Windows Explorer view of files in directory

If you explore this directory structure you will find that mirthSync has split your Mirth channels, code, and configuration into a sensible directory hierarchy. Each file contained within these directories represents a subset of your Mirth Connect instance. The files contain XML similar to what you would see if you backed up your Mirth Connect instance. Here is a tree view example of what you might see depending on your channels, groups, and libraries…
Powershell window with command result

Now that you’ve pulled your code down to your local directory you may wonder what happens if you run the command again. If you run the same command again against the same target directory that has already been populated - mirthSync will refuse to overwrite any existing files. Any new channels or other Mirth objects will different names will, however, still be pulled. Here’s an example of mirthSync refusing to overwrite files…
Powershell window with command result

To allow for mirthSync to update existing files within your target directory you may add the `-f` parameter to ‘force’ mirthSync to overwrite…
Powershell window with command result

Pushing from your local target pull directory to the same or different Mirth Connect instance

Now that you have a local repository of channels and more within your target directory on your filesystem you may wish to push the changes to a remote Mirth Connect instance. You can use the same instance you pulled everything from, or you can push to a completely different instance.

Warning- the push command will overwrite any matching channels, channel groups, configuration map, global scripts, code templates and libraries within the destination instance! If the destination instance does not contain a matching item - it will be created. Existing channels that don’t exist in the local filesystem should be fine.

Note: the following commands assuming the goal is to have the destination server perfectly match the server that was pulled from. In future posts we’ll describe how you can manage ‘merging’ changes between environments that have different configurations

within a command prompt - navigate to your mirthsync installation directory (location of mirthsync.bat, etc)

The following command will take any items that you have within your previously ‘pulled’ target directory and update the remote Mirth Connect instance to contain everything within your local target directory. The syntax of the command is identical to the `pull` command except you use the verb `push`. The `push` command does not warn you if the remote mirth channels have been updated currently though that may be a feature added in a future release of mirthSync. Please be careful and understand the consequences before your run this command.

  .\mirthsync.bat -s ‘’ -u admin -p admin -t .\remotepull push

You should see something similar to the following…

Powershell window with command result

Use Mirth Connect Administrator to verify that the destination instance was successfully updated


Plans for future posts

Initializing change tracking - use Git to track changes
Scheduling mirthSync pulls
Creating and switching between branches


mirthSync Releases

mirthSync Code

Mirth Connect